Wednesday, 16 February 2011

I've given into Google again

Hello all,
So Wordpress just won't load over here, instead I've set up a simple blog with Google.

I wrote the entry below as I’d just arrived, knackered and confused, to my hotel room. I decided to pay out for a nice place for the first night and I’m glad of it. Have been treated very well but now it’s time to move on – I’m getting the train down to Bhubaneswar today.

Last night I entered the world of Indian telecommunications, was a feature in local South Indian restaurant as I continually refused a spoon, insisting I wanted to learn to eat with my hand, and finally slept for one of the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a while. Amazingly so if you could hear the noise from my room.

Here I am! Can’t quite believe it’s real, particularly as I just rode here in a air con taxi peering out like a lady in her sedan chair – the only person on the extremely busy roads to be travelling alone in a vehicle, for the size of the taxi there should have been at least 12 people in there by Indian standards. I’m glad I had it to myself though as had car sickness for the first time in a while. People drive like they have no care for anything in the world!

Kolkata is crazy, so big – you can easily believe there are 14 million people here. Car horns beeping continuously, cows munching rubbish, people living and lying in the middle and the sides of the roads, and a huge mix of different people buying vegetables, coconuts and other fruits, clothes, (really fresh!) chicken. I also saw some open air barbers on the side of the road, literally just a wall with a mirror on it and a chair in front! SO much going on all around, it’s impossible to get even half of it down here. I’m staying in a relatively nice place, in which I’m the interesting person to look at. I have no idea how much things are supposed to cost yet so just tipped one of the hotel guys 50 rupees. Although this is only about 80p I got the feeling that they might be back for more now they know I’m clueless!

There are three different bell and horn noises going on outside while I’m writing, along with some classic hacking up sounds and a few random tappings and hammerings. I’ve got a feeling Boots’ earplugs might not quite do the trick… We’ll see. Time for some rest.

Will write again soon from Orissa…


  1. Dear Amy
    I am delighted to learn that you are already in Kolkata and finding yourself in this amazing and delightful city. Yes, there is so much to see and note! I hope your journey to Bhubneshar is pleasant and not too tiring. I hope your adaptation to your surroundings in Orissa goes well so that you can get ready for your fieldwork. It is lovely to hear from you and I look forward to your postings in time. Take care and enjoy...


  2. Amy! Lovely to hear from you, I can picture it as I read, and the barbers are an incredibile experience,although I dont think they'd know how to style your hair :-P its about 7rupees for a bottle of coke from a street vendor, so tips are in that region :-D hope u got a mosi net and candles for when the electricty cuts! Cant wait for next blog!neeb :-)

  3. Ames, enjoyed that, very evocative. Especially as I am sat in a tiny office at the mo! I'm going abroad too today, I'm off to where is that lonely planet!? :P xx

  4. Hi Ames

    A good read, it sounds like you have things sorted at the moment. Are you still the centre of attention at the hotel?
    I guess now you are entertaining the guests with a few party tricks over supper, a nightcap or two then retiring to bed ready for the journey to Niyamgiri tomorrow.
    Take care and stay cool (if that's possible).

    Lots of love
    Dada and Mama xxxx

  5. Hi Amy,

    How are you doing? I am very pleased to read to your blog and the fact that you are making good progress with work. Yes sad indeed that the Government of India and the majority of the people think tribals are primitive and backward when they are the ones who know the best and are concerned about the environment. Also, please don't forget to visit Konark Temple - Sun Temple (brilliant architecture). A couple of things -

    Please be very very careful about the people you mingle with ( I mean Orissa is not a safe place for women). I don't mean to discourage you, just concerned.

    50 Rupees is an outrageous amount to tip. It might come up to nothing when you convert but do be cautious...

    Cannot think of anything else but will keep reading your blog as and when you update it. I don't know anyone in Orissa otherwise would have given you their contact (will try to find out though).

    I am at present in England. Had my graduation yesterday :) Leaving for India on 26th feb.

    Give me your Indian contact number.

    Hope everything goes on well.

    Take Care

  6. You sound like you're achieving so much Ames, really pleased for you and well done, it seems like such an incredible experience.

    Really enjoying the blogs, learning lots from them.

    Stay safe and take care lovely girl xxxxxxxx
